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Importance Of Ethics

In order to explore the importance of ethics in security and business, it is relevant to consider certain assumptions. Supporting the free society in business is considered an integral part of the dynamic, progressive society. In the West, a culture friendly environment is constantly rising and business has unleashed immeasurable productive power. Business experts have utilized the products of science and transformed many sectors like agriculture, transportation, and medicine. Business experts have also utilized art products and considerably increased the public access to them. When people have more food, they are more mobile, they are more concerned with the health care system, and they have more and easy access to works of literature, theatre, and music. The end result of business in the West, and more lately in parts of the East, has changed the standard of human living significantly. In politics, individualism exists and indicates a good understanding of how to protect individual rights and restricts government authority to prevent uncertainty that restrains individuals’ inspiration and encouragement in all areas of life.

However, individualist theories in economics and politics have played a minor role. Individualist theories continue to have many supporters, and even their rivals demonstrate respect for playing an influential role in the fields of economics and politics. Though, individualism in ethics is considered quite different. Individualism in ethics is perceived as the theory of egoism: the analysis that the individual is the benchmark of value, that individuals are finished in themselves. Nonetheless, traditional ethics research has indicated that egoism is highly problematic. It has been found that egoism problems are represented by large-scale and reliable expressions about egoism problems in the complex business world. The business sector is a system of individuals, each with their own plan in life, each working mainly to get profit, and each cooperating with others only if they have any benefit. Business is a societal sector controlled by self interest and moral assessment of self interest dominated by a moral evaluation of the business world.

Yet not all individuals in the business sector perform sensibly, reliably, rationally and jointly. Such difficult cases exist, however, and are marked by irregularity. Business exists and functions productively and cooperatively, but the important part of business ethics is about principles which should allow those individuals to work effectively and cooperatively. Business ethics outlines how productive individuals in the business world can solve problems caused by careless, illogical and corrupt individuals. In the existing literature of business ethics, business is believed to be at best an amoral venture, and the probability is frequent that business practice is more expected than not to be immoral. The explanation for this refers to generally held theories in business ethics: that moral considerations and the considerations that normally force or support business are entirely positioned in different categories.

Ethics is a philosophy of different principles about good and bad; business ethics is about fulfilling the duties and responsibilities under these principles. In the framework of business operations, society also contributes its part in constituting good business ethics practice (fairness, justice, and equality etc), and there are business concrete expectations. The difference between the two principles creates a major ethical problem. Descriptive and normative ethics have different viewpoints of business ethics. Descriptive ethics is precisely about a description of what is in the field of business ethics. This form of ethics seeks to understand the moral and ethical structure shared by individuals, cultures, and societies. It also seeks to understand established views and actions regarding ethical and moral behaviour. There is a drawback present in this form of ethics in the sense that using this viewpoint may lead to believe that an existing unethical behaviour is acceptable because every human being is doing it. On the other hand, normative ethics seeks to expose and develop reasonably an ethical system. As opposed to exposing what is, normative ethics describes or proposes what it should be. This form of ethics seeks to establish principles or standards which can lead to good business behaviour. Normative ethics requires more significantly moral individuals, and should be distinguished with what is happening in the real world.

There are three forms of ethical management to include immoral, moral, and amoral management strategies which affect ethical behaviour. Immoral management involves active resistance to that which is reasonable, precise and true in business. This form includes self-interested, egoistic and self-seeking management behaviour only occupied with profits and success, although this is considered being a short-term objective as long-term immoral behaviour certainly will contribute its role to a company's downfall.  Managers in this situation have no anxiety for shareholders; these managers are known as bad people. Moral management is different from immoral management. Managers in this situation dynamically follow what is moral and meet high standards. Managers in this situation support strategies which shift the levels of ethical standards and the law (at the lowest level). Moral management demonstrates high reliability or honesty in thinking, interpreting and focused on actions, as managers are practical in their chase of what is right and reasonable for the business success.

There are two theories regarding the percentage of managers fulfilling different moral management models. The first model is focused on population theories, which state that the percentage follows a normal curve, with amoral managers engaged in the vital portion of the curve, and the immoral and moral managers engaged in the respective end of the curve. This theory is complicated to test, and it is complex to establish the approach of managers through surveys because of convenient biases. This model also involves that the quantity of managers follows a similar ratio in many other things which can be experimented in nature. The second theory is the individual theory. This theory states that the individual managers frequently demonstrate qualities of amoral managers, and at times demonstrate qualities of a moral or immoral manager. This shows that based on the circumstances, managers are behaving amorally, morally, or immorally, based on a number of factors. Such observation, like the population theory, cannot presently be endorsed or dismissed by experimental evidence.
