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Book Review

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

The book written by Robin Sharma is very interesting and forces an individual to give thought on his life, goals, dreams and paths for achieving these dreams. In the book, there is an allegory about Julian Mantle who has main focus on prioritizing its actions around money, power and prestige. The story is written by his associate who is highly inspired and aspired by Mantle’s working patterns. The book explains a change in situation, which takes place when Mantle has a heart attach and he goes to India in search of understanding the meaning of life. After gaining learning from mythical gurus there was a complete change in his personality. Mantle gain enlightened earnings from the gurus, which brought about a dynamic change in his life. The virtues, which have been explained by the author act as a base for a change in life of Mantle, include mastering up the mind seeking your purpose, believing and practicing kaizen, respecting the time, serving others in a selfless manner and fully embracing the present situation.

The author has discussed each of these detail and also provided methods, which will help in faster development of these traits. Though the concepts, which have been discussed and highlighted in the book are not new, but the method that is used for discussing them proves to be very inspiring and potentially drives an individual to inculcate them into their routine lives. The book has been very interesting but the major problem that has been identified is the jumbling of facts that creates confusing situation for the readers and distracts their attention. The author has made an attempt to transform the lives and help in achievement of dreams in a simplified manner.

The readings that have been explicated in the book will help the individuals in achievement of their dreams, clam them and contribute in increasing their happiness. The problem indicated that the ideas are jumbled but smart reading of the book communicates potentially powerful ideas and thoughts, which are fun and easy to read. The book provides an approach to live better with proper courage, balance and joy. The author has cleared that wisdom proves to be helpful in creating passion, purpose and peace in the life of individuals. The author has creatively blended fiction and step-by-step approach for using an interesting guiding path for the readers. Overall, the experience of reading this book has been fascinating and equally motivating.
