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How to Find an Analytical Essay Introduction Example

All essays should have a proper structure, but when you're writing an analytical essay this is even more important. If your information isn't laid out in a logical way the reader will quickly lose track of your arguments and won't be able to appreciate your conclusions. Every section of the essay needs to contain the right information, but that doesn't matter too much if nobody reads past the first paragraph.

That paragraph is your introduction, and in many ways it's the most important part of the essay. It doesn't contain any details and just gives a quick summary of what the essay is about and what it concluded, but it's your one and usually only chance to engage the reader's interest and make them want to read more. Get it wrong and you've lost your audience before they get to the bulk of your work.

When writing introductions you should follow some simple rules. Your introduction should always contain the following information:

  • A catchy sentence to tell the reader what the essay is about. Use an informal style here to make it interesting.
  • A sort explanation of how the essay was analysed; for example if you compared two films, say so.
  • A one-sentence summary of your conclusions. Don't go into any details; you want people to read to the end to find those out.
  • Your thesis - the question the essay is trying to answer, and which leads through discussion to your conclusion.

Getting all that information in will give you a workable introduction, but to achieve a higher standard it's a great idea to read some examples of how other writers have done it. There are a few places you can find these, but only three are worth bothering with; the others lack quality control.

  • Schools and colleges. These institutions often have example essays on their websites. The choice is likely to be restricted but the quality is high.
  • Academic journals. Most papers in scientific journals like Nature are actually analysis essays. The same is true for many articles in engineering or medical journals. Quality here is very high, but it's not likely that you'll find any on topics similar to the one you'll be writing on.
  • Writing services. There are many writing services online which provide custom essays on a wide range of subjects. As well as custom work they also often provide examples, which you can download for a small fee. The choice is usually very large, so you have an excellent chance of finding something relevant to your topic. Because they're written by professional writers the quality is great, too. This is likely to be your best option.

Looking at a few examples is the best way to perfect your introduction-writing technique. Take advantage of it, and you'll be able to hook your readers right from the first sentence and hold their interest right through your essay.
